Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sugar makes you crave sugar

Thought I'd talk about bad carbs/sugar. One day I couldn't stop wanting carbs, bad carbs, bad bad carbs. I had eaten a relatively healthy lunch (or so I thought) of chicken fajitas. Fajitas come with flour tortillas at most places. When I got home I wanted cereal...........BAD, then ice cream, then marshmallows, oh I can't even remember all I craved that day. It was BAD. I don't even remember now what all I ended up eating and what I just craved but didn't give in to. BUT I posted it in my journal at One of my "buddies" read it and suggested that I had craved sugar since I ate sugar..................... My response was I didn't have any sugar! THEN and there was when I learned about hidden sugars! Flour tortillas are full of sugar! I had eaten a healthy meal wrapped in a giant sugar cookie! So by eating clean and staying away from sugar, THEN eating sugar that day, my body remembered that it liked sugar and therefore made me crave it! I started cutting out those bad carbs and I had no more days like that except for the days when I elected to eat bad carbs. I am not a saint, I do give in, more often now than before when I was so strict.

So this is what I do about fajitas now. I order them with soft CORN tortillas instead! I also stay away from cereal lol. It's my "chocolate" more than chocolate actually is. I LOVE cereal! Bad cereals too. I thought about this because my aunt brought me by some "firecrackers" to try. Now these are delish! They are white crackers (BAD carbs) soaked in a mixture of canola oil and seasonings and SPICY. As I am eating them, she offers me the recipe. My response "oh no, they are way too fattening, I'll just stick with eating what you brought". Her response "They aren't too bad, just canola oil and seasoning". See she doesn't realize how bad those little white crackers are for a person like me who craves carbs once eaten lol. So anyway, next time you find yourself craving those sweets and can't seem to satisfy the craving no matter what, think back to what you ate BEFORE the craving started, I bet it was a bad carb! Then let me know so I can put it on my "watch" list!!!!

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